Small gay pride flag amazon

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Other partners of Dublin Pride include Facebook, Amazon, PayPal, Bank of America, Adobe, Twitter, Nestle, Ikea, and Mastercard. Transport for Ireland, the country’s national transport system, is also a direct silver-level sponsor of the parade itself. The principal funders of Dublin Pride as an organisation are currently listed as the central Irish government, their Department of Culture and the Department of Equality. The march is a protest for gay rights that coincides with others around the world, marking the Stonewall riots of 1969, while the parade is a “celebration of LGBTQ+ people and culture,” and serves an “important role in promoting diversity, inclusion, and belonging within society.”Īs noted on their website, the Dublin Pride events is also one of the major fundraising events for the LGBTQ+ community.

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The flag is now currently featured prominently on the advertising for the upcoming Dublin Pride Parade and March, that are set to take place on June 25, as part of the wider celebrations of Pride Month in Ireland. The flag received widespread mockery online, with some people describing it as “the worst pride flag” ever, and others joking that Ukraine was now the newest sexuality available on the market to identify as.

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